Saturday, January 25, 2020
The Factors Affecting Teacher Motivation
The Factors Affecting Teacher Motivation The literature review is integral to the success of academic research. It ensures the researchability of the topic. It is designed to identify related research, to set the current research project within a conceptual and theoretical context. A literature review is a systematic, explicit and reproducible method for identifying evaluating and interpreting the existing body of recorded work produced by researches, scholars and practitioners, (Fink, 1998, p.3). The review (Mouton, 2001) helps to place the research in the context of what has already been done, thus, allowing comparisons to be made. It is a critical summary and assessment of the range of existing materials dealing with knowledge and understanding in a given field. Its main purposes are as follows: to locate the research project, to provide a rationale for the research, forming its context or background, to provide insights into previous work, and to identify a gap, a problem in the existing literature and thus providing a framework for further research. A review of literature also contributes to the development of the researchers intellectual capacity and practical skills as it engenders a research attitude, thus encouraging the researcher to think rigorously. Time and effort carefully spent at this particular stage helps to save a great deal of effort and vague search. Another purpose of reviewing the literature is to analyse the different methodologies and data collection methods used by previous researchers in similar issues. This would help the researcher to identify the various strengths and lacunas of the used methods. A thorough review of literature may enable the researcher to answer the several pertinent questions. 2.1: INTRODUCTION A study of teachers motivation consists of two main themes. The first one identifies the different factors affecting teachers motivation, while the second aspect analyses how the school heads can impact on teachers motivation through their leadership. This chapter explains the importance of teacher motivation. The motivational factors for teachers, applying literature findings are reviewed. 2.2: Importance of teacher motivation Schools exist, primarily to educate children. It is for this purpose that teachers are employed in schools (Fiddler Atton, 1997). Teachers are, thus, the most important professionals for any nations future. However, without adequate support and resources, teachers will not be motivated although they may be highly qualified. It is sad to note that teachers, the most valuable human resource, are often neglected (Abdo, 2001). One should bear in mind that a nations strength depends on the high quality of its education system and the strength of such a system, in turn, relies on qualified and motivated teachers. Inspired and motivated are essential in providing quality education. Schools would definitely not survive without motivated and dedicated teachers. 2.3: Factors affecting teachers motivation Research (Eimers, 1997) has shown that teachers are influenced by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Further studies on motivation for teaching distinguished between intrinsic, extrinsic and altruistic reasons for choosing the profession (Kyriacou Coulthard, 2000; Moran, Kilpatrick, Abbott, Dallat, McClune, 2001). Intrinsically motivated teachers are focused on teaching and the activity related to the job itself. The inherent satisfaction or the joy of teaching is viewed as the driving force. The extrinsically motivated teachers focus on the benefits of teaching, such as salary, vacations or other external rewards connected to the job. Finally, the altruistically motivated teacher views teaching as a socially worthwhile and important job, and has a desire to be part of young peoples growth and development. Barmby (2006, p. 253) extrapolated these findings and points out that teachers motivation is influenced less by externally initiated factors such as salary, educational policy and reform and conditions of service, than by those emanating from the intrinsic context within which they work. According to Hallinger and Heck (1998), school leaders can play a critical role in the success of educational institutions. To the extent that school leaders can control the outcomes of teachers efforts, they can influence the levels of motivation teachers experience (Silver, 1982). This can be through their influence on teachers morale and motivation. Studies have lent proof (Hallinger and Heck, 1998; Leithwood and Jantzi, 2005; Leithwood and Mascall, 2008) that School leadership affects the way teachers teach, and hence, impact directly on student performance. Since school leaders can, in one way or the other, affect the intrinsic factors listed, they, thus, play an extremely role in motivating teachers. Indeed, in an attempt to study teachers motivation, Pitre (2003) found significant relationship between school leadership and teacher motivation. A school head should not only be an effective leader, manager and counselor, but also an effective motivator. Motivated teachers are productive teachers (Osterloh, Bruno and Frost, 2001) as they have job satisfaction. School leaders should bear in mind that without these, educational programmes may be deeply weakened (Snowden and Gorton, 2002). This is supported by Browns study (2005), which found significant link between political, local and organisational factors and the use of incentives to motivate teachers in charter schools. Motivation was higher where more external incentives were provided. In fact, School leadership and Teacher Motivation are two things that are inextricably linked. 2.4 Importance of leadership in schools For much of the twentieth century, the role of the school head was that of manager, where he/she was expected to manage personnel and budget, while handling other operational issues (Usdan, McCloud, Podmostko, 2000). Studies on the topic suggest that in the past, principals were able to succeed, at least partially, by simply carrying out the directives of central administrators (Perez et al. 1999). Today, in a rapidly changing era of standards-based reform, as education moved into a new era of accountability, a different concept has emerged. According to Dussault and Barnett (1996), educational organisations are facing many challenges and this shift brings with it dramatic changes in what public education needs from principals. School principals must, therefore, enhance the quality of their services; they can no longer function simply as building managers, tasked with adhering to district rules, carrying out regulations and avoiding mistakes. Management by principals is no longer en ough to meet todays educational challenges (Mulford, 2003). Researchers (Dussault and Barnett, 1996) claim that the actual situations in schools call for improvement and educational leadership. As Cawelti (1984, p.3) stated: Continuing research on effective schools has verified the common sense observation that schools are rarely effective, in any sense of the word, unless the principal is a good leader . 2.4.1 School leadership and effective schools School leadership (Huber, 2004), indeed, has a pivotal role in contributing to effective schools. Gurr, Drysdale, and Mulford (2005) found in their case study research on Australian principals that the principal remains an important and significant figure in determining the success of a school (p. 548). Extensive empirical efforts have shown that leadership is a central factor for the quality and effectiveness of a school (Reynolds, 1976; Harris, 2005). The research results show that each and every successful school possesses a competent and sound school leadership. Research (Barber, 1995; Mortimore, Sammons, Stoll, Lewis and Ecob, 1988; Stoll and Fink, 1996) has shown that leadership, in fact, defines the success of a school. According to Leithwood, Day, Sammons, Hopkins and Harris (2006, p. 14-15), there is not a single documented case of a school successfully turning around its pupil achievement trajectory in the absence of talented leadership. In this line of thought, Leithwood, Louis, Anderson Wahlstrom (2004) claimed that while classroom instruction has the greatest impact on student achievement, leadership has the second greatest effect. The role of the school leader has to be seen in relationship to the context in which the school is operating. Schools are embedded in the education system and their local communities; leaders, therefore, have to react to, cope with and support the development of the community served by their respective schools. Huber (1997) firmly believes that school leaders matter, they are educationally-significant, school leaders do make a difference. Given the manifold tasks and responsibilities of school leadership, as well as the competencies required, school leaders may be regarded as superheroes. Their complex role can hardly be filled with traditional leadership concepts (Huber, 2004). Educational leaders are now confronted with an altogether new range of demands and challenges. They should bear in mind that their organisations have been set up to accomplish a specific social aim, shaping the society. The quality of education provided at school, therefore, determines the future society. Moreover, school leadership proved to be important for the learning environment for teachers in schools (James McCormick, 2009; Louis, Dretzke, Wahlstrom, 2010). 2.4.2 Successful and effective School leadership Firm and purposeful leadership It has been proven that all aspects of the school rely on a proper School Leader (Stoll and Fink, 1996; Huber, 2004; Mortimore et al., 1988). However, both the School Leader and individual teachers are of utmost importance. Leithwood, in concert with others (Leithwood et al., 2004; Leithwood and Riehl, 2003; Leithwood et al., 2006), identified four broad categories of educational leadership, or core practices: setting directions; developing people; redesigning the organization; and managing the instructional program. At the same time, effective leaders know that the ability to lead and manage organisational change is critical for survival since the school environment is a dynamic one. School Leaders should incorporate the ability to deal with changes occurring in school system structure, especially when more responsibilities are being thrusted upon the shoulders of the School Leader by the educational system. According to Calabrese (2002) the prototype school leader in the 21st century is a change agent. They have a responsibility to lead change that results in more effective and efficient educational practices, in an environment that is increasingly political. Therefore, outstanding school heads should be proactive. They must make the change happen without alienating the teaching staffs. They should act as mediators between those resisting changes (Levine and Lezotte, 1990) and the change agents. Leaders, thus, got a key role in inducing others to adopt change in order to improve the organisational effectiveness. Hence, school leaders, are key to initiate and maintaining the school improvement process (Sammons et al., 1994c). Schools, expected to fulfill multi-dimensional functions, are affected by both internal and external environmental factors (Eres, 2011). School leaders can eliminate the negative effects of such factors. Thus, they need to be proactive, anticipating problems and should be prepared to counteract these efficiently and effectively. The role of the School Leader is not always clearly defined since leading and managing are two intermingling responsibilities. 2.4.3 School leadership and teachers motivation Leadership can be defined as the ability to enlist, mobilize and motivate others to apply their abilities and resources to a given cause (Eyal and Roth, 2010). This capacity is fundamental in the educational sphere. Very often, educators think in terms of motivating students to learn. Equally important, though, with respect to educational leadership is the motivation of teachers (Silver, 1982). According to Kocabas and Karakose (2002), teachers are responsible to their schools and the principals are in turn responsible for the proper administration of the school. Therefore, the main responsibility for motivating teachers falls to the school head. Along this line, Barker (2001) studied poor performers and effective principals and suggested that effective leaders indeed motivate the staff. He claimed that the latter should be there to enthuse and invigorate teachers rather than to shape them. Good leadership improves both teacher motivation and work settings. Further research by Kiziltepe (2006) found that the primary source of teachers de-motivation was the administration Though, the relationship between School leadership and Teacher Motivation have not directly been subject to much research, Brown and Hughes (2008) highlight the importance of exploring the different factors that motivate teachers, as society increasingly holds them accountable for student achievement. The relationship between school leadership and teacher motivation is related in the research literature to the attempt to better understand principals impact on school performance (Leithwood and Jantzi, 2005; Leithwood and Mascall, 2008; Supovitz, Sirinides and May, 2010). Thus teachers engagement and their motivation have been studied mostly as a mediating factor between school leadership and students learning (Hallinger and Heck, 1998). According to Sharpe, Klockow Martin (2002), the factors motivating teachers can vary from classroom to classroom, school to school, or district to district. If teachers are not motivated to teach, then the search for educational excellence will be ava il (Richardson, Short Prickett, 2003). How can School leaders affect teachers motivation Several studies suggest that school leadership is second only to classroom teaching as an influence on student learning (Leithwood, Harris, Hopkins, 2008; Leithwood Jantzi, 2008) and that key to optimizing student learning is the influence exerted by school leaders on teacher motivation and commitment (Day, Stobart, Sammons, Kington, Gu, 2006; Leithwood Mascall, 2008). According to studies (Hallinger and Heck, 1996), school leadership affects students outcomes indirectly, by creating the conditions that support teachers ability to teach and students learning. Teachers motivation includes the expenditure of effort to achieve a goal (Martin, 2000). It is also about creating forces that power and drive their respective behaviours (Bursalioglu, 2002). Dull (1981) believes that school leaders could motivate teachers by improving a situation perceived to be difficult by an individual, thereby meeting needs. In addition, the school leader can also motivate teachers by providing adequate d riving forces to urge one into action (Genc, 1987). The human factor should not be ignored, the educational leader should strive in developing a physiological and psychological process which takes into account individual desires, goals, tendencies, behaviour, self-interest, preference, will-power and drive. He/she should be considerate, that is, consider both intrinsic and extrinsic forces that actuate, direct and maintain staff behaviours (Gursel, 1997). Motivating teachers also implies increasing the latters willingness to work and making them believe that they will satisfy their personal needs if they work efficiently in the school (Yuksel, 1998), by providing the appropriate conditions. Porter, Polikoff, Goldring, Murphy, Elliot and May (2010) claims that these conditions include high standards for student learning, rigorous curricula, quality instruction, a culture of learning and above all- professional behaviour. Indeed, scholarly writings have linked the above mentioned conditions with increased teacher motivation to exert extra effort in teaching (Geisel, Sleegers, Leithwood and Jantzi, 2003). They added that school leadership has a key role in ensuring these conditions at school. Geisel et al. (2003) also mentioned that schools are effective only when the whole school community work as a whole and not as fragmented units. Thus, the school leaders should not only occupy the authority position but should also be visible (Dinham, Cariney, Craigie and Wilson, 1995) in the institution, so as to be able to motivate their staffs. Visible leadership Indeed, Dinham et al. (1995) found that secondary school principals responsibilities include being visible, maintaining contact with student groups, keeping open lines of communication with stakeholders, promoting a positive school climate, being aware and in control of all school issues, influencing the school tone, and fostering school pride. According to further studies (Huber, 1997), teachers recognize it is highly motivating when their school head is involved in the daily routine. The school leader, showing dedicated interest in what happens in the class itself, is much appreciated. Teachers have a high esteem for leaders knowing about the curriculum and who are actively involved in monitoring students progress. Robinson (2006) points out that school leaders who have subject specific knowledge will be more confident and successful in supporting improvement in teachers practice. No doubt, teachers find it highly motivating when the principal provides a variety of support, includi ng practical assistance and encouragement (Murphy, 1989). This involves frequent movement through the school, class visits as well as some informal exchange with the teaching staff (Teddlie et al., 1989). According to Scheerens (1992), this is one of the pillars of school leadership and such regular interactions could also help in assessing the ways teachers work. 2.4.1 Relationship between school leader and teachers Davis et al. (2002) argue that the relationship between school leaders and teachers is very important: the school leaders regard for others is, key, to motivating teachers. Being in charge of the school administration, school leaders have the greatest share in motivating teachers. According to Griffin (2010), relationships with administrators were rated as a highly motivating factor. This is supported by Asbill and Gonzalez (2000) who found a relationship between positive principal-teacher interactions and teacher job satisfaction. Egley (2003) found similar results and emphasized the importance of a supportive principal-teacher relationship. School leaders (Barnett and McCormick, 2003) must be able to create an environment conducive to the building of positivity, providing the platform for the staff to maintain good relations, so as to create a healthy environment, where all can grow adequately. Wallace (2010) further claimed that school leadership should also include some emotional dimension. She posited that school leaders who understand the emotional context in which they work will provide a more satisfying and effective work context for teachers. They highlighted that working in a classroom environment where there is administrative support enhances the element of respect. Indeed, interviews by Sederberg and Clark (1990) showed that teachers perceive respect as the most important incentive, followed by trust, optimism and intentionality. Further research (Geisel et al., 2003) has shown that certain methods adopted by the School leadership indeed impact on the level of teacher motivation, for instance, defining a clear vision and objectives. Shared vision and goals Scholars (Eyal and Roth, 2010; Barnett and McCormick, 2002) posited that vision potentially offers the greatest capacity to influence teachers motivation. Lashway (2000) added that school principals should ensure that this vision is relevant to the school context. The leaders vision must also be related to the existing needs and culture of the school (Keedy, 1991). In addition, it must be focused, consistent, at the same time, including short term as well as long term objectives (Geisel et al., 2003). These help define and promote high expectations; and they connect directly with teachers and the classroom. Barnett and McCormicks (2003) findings echoed the above researchers ideas and even extrapolated those- they concluded that teachers should, at all cost, share the schools vision. This is because vision provides personal goals for the teacher, a desire to see a change in the future. The staff should be able to connect to the vision when it is clearly defined, so that, their own personal objectives may sprout out from it. Their studies have shown that teachers are highly motivated when they build consensus on the aims and values of the school. In such cases, teachers can put these into practice through collaborative and consistent of working. Empirical evidence (Leithwood and Riehl, 2003; Ylimaki, 2006) proved that vision creates a sense of purpose that binds teachers together and propels them to fulfill their deepest aspirations and to reach ambitious goals. Indeed, Brewers rese arch (1993) showed that student achievement levels were higher in schools where the principal had hired like-minded teachers who shared the principals goals and who were able to implement effectively the principals vision. Other researchers (Lee and Smith, 1994) analyzed performance from 820 secondary schools and found that coherent, sustained, and focused reforms resulted in the best outcomes for students. Therefore, effective professional principals (Huber, 1997, 2004) should relentlessly work to improve achievement by focusing on defining SMART goals. However, scholars (Gagne and Deci, 2005; Sheldon, Turban, Brown, Barrick and Judge, 2003) claimed that presenting followers with a value-laden vision is not enough. Leading professional No doubt, implementing a vision is not instantaneous; it requires repeated cycles of reflection, evaluation, and response, and only the principal can sustain it (Lashway, 1997). Sheldon et al. (2003) posited that the leadership role played by the school principal is critical in ensuring the vision and mission is attained. Thus, principals need to wear many different hats during the school day. But, the most effective school principals are not only managers and disciplinarians but also instructional leaders for the school (Leithwood and Mascall, 2008). Their studies showed that an effective school leader is not merely a good administrator or manager, but also a leading professional- a transformational leader. According to Burns (1978) transformational leadership is the process in which leaders and their followers bring each other to a higher level of ethic and motivation. Todays schools, therefore, want not only visionary and professional leaders (Lashway, 2000), but transformational ones. Transformational Leadership and motivation Leithwood (1992) claimed that transformational leadership is, actually, the restructuring of the system in order for the mission and vision of people to be redefined. It also ensures that the staff identifies themselves with the goals of the organisation, together with enlisting the participation of the staffs by taking into consideration their opinion greatly provide the scope for motivation. Bass (1990) suggested that motivation is, in fact, a sub-dimension of transformational leadership. Other scholars (Simola, Barling and Turner, 2010; Park and Rainey, 2008) also concluded that motivation has been shown to be an inspiring component of such kind of leadership and these have shown a positive relationship between transformational leadership and motivation. Indeed, Bass and Avolio (1997) have argued that transformational leadership can produce extraordinary outcomes in terms of increased commitment to achieving group or organisational goals. Coupled with the above, Shamir, House and Arthur (1993), maintained that transformational leaders also foster intrinsic motivations related to self concept. Their theory of leadership asserted that charismatic leaders promote followers intrinsic motivation to act beyond their self-esteem, self value and social identification. Research has shown a positive relationship between transformational leadership and motivation. It has been proved that in an organisation with transformational leaders, there is higher productivity and that the employees are happier and there are fewer negative incidents (Robbins, 1996). Indeed, transformational Leadership plays an important role in developing self-motivation. Leaders increase their workers motivation through their behaviour (Bass, 1990, Greenberg and Baron, 2000). As the human relations and communicative skills of a transformational leader are developed, they are effective in persuading and directing their followers (Glad and Blanton, 1997). They also motivate followers to transcend their own immediate self-interest for the sake of the mission and vision of the organisation. The leader motivates followers to work for transcendental goals instead of immediate self-interest, for achievement and self-actualisation rather than safety and security (Murray Feitler, 1989, p. 3), and creates within followers a capacity to develop higher levels of commitment to organisational goals (Leithwood Jantzi, 2000). Followers confidence levels are raised and their needs broadened by the leader to support development to higher potential. Such total engagement (emotional, intellectual and moral) encourages followers to develop and perform beyond expectations (Bass, 1985; Burns, 1978). Transformational and Transactional School leadership Basss model (1998) of transformational and transactional leadership has a number of important implications for the current reform movement in education. According to Bass and Avolio (1997), the transformational/transactional approach builds trust, respect, and a wish on the part of followers to work collectively toward the same desired future goals. This not only allows the transformational leader to operate effectively within the available context, but to change it, to make it more receptive to her or his own leadership orientation. Indeed, a positive relationship has been found (Howell and Hall- Merenda, 1999) between transformational leadership and a good rapport between the leader and follower. Applying this to schools, Avolio and Bass (1988) argue that although transactional and transformational leadership can represent two discrete forms of leadership, effective school principals exhibit characteristics of both by maintaining short-term endeavors through transactional leadership and by inciting change as a transformational leader. A number of studies emphasize the importance of transformative leadership for school principals (Fullan 1996; Hord 1992; Leithwood, Tomlinson Genge 1996; Wood 1998; Sergiovanni 1992; Conley 1997; Perez et al. 1999; Reed and Roberts 1998). Transformational school leadership and teacher motivation Contemporary middle school leaders have a vast array of responsibilities and are often characterized as those who should be transformational leaders (Sanzo et al., 2010). The challenges brought to schools by restructuring have been cited as reasons for advocating transformational leadership in schools. Such leadership embraces a postmodern way of thinking. It is argued that transformational leadership is well suited to the challenges of current school restructuring. It has the potential for building high levels of commitment (in teachers) to the complex and uncertain nature of the school reform agenda and for fostering growth in the capacities teachers must develop to respond positively to this agenda (Leithwood and Jantzi, 1997). Transformational leadership is seen to be sensitive to organisation building, developing shared vision, distributing leadership and building school culture necessary to current restructuring efforts in schools (Leithwood, Jantzi and Stainbach, 1999). Transformational School leadership: the four Is and teacher motivation Leithwood and Jantzi (1990) have defined transformational leadership based on schools. Transformational leadership dimensions, namely, idealized influence, inspirational motivation and intellectual stimulation, were found to directly influence teachers amount of motivation (Geisel et al., 2003; Leithwood and Jantzi, 2005). These, in turn, had an indirect impact on students achievements and learning (Leithwood and Jantzi, 2005). Individualised attention-Teachers needs and expectations Individualised attention (Blasà © and Kirby, 2000) given to the staff, greatly adds up to teacher motivation. According to Blasà © and Kirby (2000), it is of upmost importance for leaders to identify teachers needs- the social needs should not be neglected (Bursalioglu, 2002), and their feelings about their jobs. School leaders have to be conscious of the fact that each person has different needs and, therefore, should be motivated accordingly. Weller (1982) added that the school principal should be sympathetic to the needs of their teachers. The leaders should be able to cater for the needs of each and every one. According to Adair (2002), a leader, who is not aware of these, and who does not display effort to fulfill these, will definitely face difficulties in motivating teachers. He added that only a well-informed leader can devise and implement effective strategies to assist teachers in their development, ensuring they perform their respective duties in an effective, enthusiast ic and motivated manner. Blasà ©, Derick and Stahth (1986) reported that principals initiating structure and displaying consideration were associated with more satisfying work conditions, higher job satisfaction, and less job stress. Staffs experience of job stress was seen as principals lack of consideration and was related to teacher dissatisfaction. It was found that teachers (Blasà © et al., 1986) are less likely to share their views and opinions, or trying to improve the conditions if they feel that their school heads are not enough caring. Blasà © (1986) put forward that the latter should strive to develop fruitful relationships with the teaching staff, fostering positive communication with and among teachers. It is only through these relationships that they can establish leader legitimacy and encouraged commitment. Teachers should feel that they form part of the school community and not simply as employees working in the school. The motivation for working with the subject matter in which teachers have their academic degree and the wish to teach it to others are important motivators for teachers both before and upon completion of the PGCE course (Roness Smith, 2009, 2010). Still, we find that the subject-matter interest is a salient and stable motivator among these Norwegian teachers, a finding which aligns with other international research (Kyriacou et al., 1999; Manuel Brindley, 2005; Manuel Hughes, 2006). A plausible reason for these results can be that when starting teacher education, the students regard themselves as subject-matter specialists. Idealised influence Idealised influence is the charismatic element of transformational leadership, in which leaders, become role models, who are admired, respected and emulated by their followers (Avolio and Bass, 2002; Bass, 1998; Bass and Avolio, 1994). As a result, followers demonstrate a high degree of trust in such leaders (Jung and Avolio, 2000). Researchers (Jung and Avolio, 2000) added that shared vision, is, an integral component of this idealized transformational role, inspiring acceptance through the alignment of goals. Principals must, therefore, be good role models supporting best practice (Colley, 2002).
Friday, January 17, 2020
Clinical Practice Essay
Clinical practice is of outmost significance because this is the site where students can turn theory into practice, students can interact with patients and families, and face the real world of medicine. It is significant and useful to reflect upon assessment practices to evaluate students in clinical setting. For this purpose, this paper analyzes three articles relevant to the clinical practices by the nursing students, and the role they should play outside the classroom, and who should evaluate them in the clinical setting. This paper also features suggestions and recommendations derived from the reflections and analyses made on the articles reviewed. Article one. The ongoing search for best practice in clinical teaching and learning: A model of nursing studentsââ¬â¢ evolution to proficient novice registered nurses. This article by Edgecombe and Bowden (2009) features current search to implement best practices in clinical teaching and identifies those positive and negative elemen ts as well as the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that make an impact on nursing studentsââ¬â¢ learning process, and their development and growing process from students to proficient novice nurses Rns. The study was conducted at Flinders University in Adelaide, South Australia, and involved 111 students. A model was created intending to assist students in their transformation from students to RNs, the Dedicated Education Unit (DEU) model was designed as an innovative approach for clinical teaching. This approach focuses on the specific use of the clinical setting available for learning practices in health settings such as mental health centers, acute medical departments, and surgical wards or community health organizations. The DEU follows the principles of adult learning of modifying, relearning, and replacing knowledge, skills, strategies and values through experience gained, and reflections made (Edgecombe & Bowden, 2009). The DEU foundational philosophy relies on the sound relationships between clinicians and academicists, valuing their contributions aimed at establishing the optimal learning environment for nursing students. Also valuing nursing studentsââ¬â¢ views. The model described in the article might have influences on the development of future curriculums, upgrading of staff and on different approaches used to place staff in adequate positions. The model can also serve to do research works intended to the teaching and learning process in the realm of nursing educ ation (Edgecombe & Bowden, 2009). Among the elements analyzed in this article, the authors highlightedà the emphasis students placed on the importance of belonging to a place, to feeling valued and trusted. These positive feelings, greatly influence the studentsââ¬â¢ learning processes. However, when a student feels isolated, neglected from the regular clinical staff or heavily or unfairly critized or scoffed at his/her performance, these actions have a negative impact on the learning stage at this specific clinical setting (Edgecombe & Bowden, 2009). It is important to observe tha bulling, and lateral violence at the workplace exist in some hospitals and health settings, as indicated by Broome and Williams (2011), especially with novice nurses or new nurses when they begin working for the first time in a clinical setting. In this regard, Broome and Williams (2011) state that in some health care settings the problem takes place when some experierenced nurses complaining about novice nursesââ¬â¢ performance, and the lateral violence develops in different ways and causes serious impacts on the victims. Dellasega (2009) considers that lateral violence manifests in cover or overt verb al and non verbal aggression episodes. Reflecting upon these topics among the negative effects that a toxic environment may cause to nursing students as indicated above by Edgecombe and Bowden, (2009), the author of this paper also believe that bullying and lateral violence can also create a harmful atmosphere for the learning process among students who develop their practices in a clinical setting. Article 2. Developing a successful nursing objective structured clinical examination. This article written by McWilliam and Botwinski (2010) evaluates the basic components for developing relevant and useful nursing objectives in the clinical area for nursing students, but these authors failed to highlight some significant aspects of high-skilled therapeutic work, the importance of interpersonal aptitudes, and blending some key information into practices in clinical settings. The article deals with assessing the clinical skills that students may acquire in different health scenarios. This practice is vital because students can work and learn from different scenarios, patients and diseases (Mcwilliam & Botwinski, 2010). According to Mcwillian & Botwinski (2010), clinical educators should pass on their experience gained to students, and at the same time, should ensure that patients also gain safe nurturing consideration. In achieving these goals, the delivery of clinical instructions should be imbuied of professional ability, proper interpersonal relations, and adequatin g aspectsà of temperament. Educators should have a clear idea on the model that may guide them turning a speficic scenario into a learning experience, and also into an evaluative procedure that will be mutually beneficial for the educator and the nursing students. Nurseââ¬â¢s decision-making abilities derived from critical thinking and evidence-based practice have been analyzed by various analysists who have reflected that choice making is a studied skill that nurse educators should teach, but there are few research intended to investigate the choices made by nursing students. If more information of this topic is available, educators will be capable of designing a more proper curriculum that also covers the developing of this attitude geared to teach students how to make better choices (Mcwillian & Botwinski, 2010). The author of this paper believes that tools to furnish the nursing students to develop critical thinking and choice making are a vital part of the curriculum. It is true that not all topics can be covered in a curriculum as stated by Mcwillian and Botwinski (2010), but decision making process and a good guidance are crucial elements of a proper and adequate nursing training in clinical practice. Article three. Evaluation in clinical practice using an innovative model for clinical teachers The article features the Reflective Interaction Analysis in Nursing Education (RIANE) Model which addresses the problems faced by clinical teachers of how to turn information-rich interactions in clinical practice into objective information using a format that provides valuable feedback and helps evaluation. The Model facilitates the translation of the interactions for clinical teachers that occurs on a daily basis with nursing students, recorded in notes for their further use in formative and summative evaluations (Zafir & Nissim, 2011). The article discusses the use of this model in the training of a group of nurses that will become clinical teachers. The RIANE model motivates clinical teachers to see the studentsââ¬â¢ clinical interactions as another way to contribute to the learning process, as an educational opportunity. It provides certain order in an amount of information difficult to manage by clinical teachers who have to find a way to make this information accessible to students (Zafir & Nissim, 2011). The author of this paper considers that allowing the students to learn from their daily experiences, enabling them to provide feedbacks, and being heard, are great positive contributions for educational purposes in theà clinical setting, and the clinical instructor can keep track of their students by recording notes while the students also render their clinical collaboration. Zafrir and Nissim (2011) believe that the proper role clinical teachers should play is that of guidance, support, inspiration, and facilitating learning. Also these authors consider that an environment of mutual trust and confidence should prevail in supporting studentsââ¬â¢ process of learning and growth. There are several models for clinical instructors and faculty to evaluate students outside the classroom: The clinical instructor can use the modality of preceptor ,one to one relation, in which an experienced nurse serves as a preceptor for a certain period of time. The clinical teaching associate (CTA) model uses a staff nurse collaborating with a faculty to train a given number of students for clinical practices. The paired model features one-student, one patient model, a variation of the preceptor model, and a student begins clinical practice within specific days supervised by a staff nurse for a practicum experience (Billings and Halsted, 2009). Other models for clinical instructors to evaluate students outside the classroom, and on occasions, jointly with the faculty during their clinical practices are the clinical teaching partnership where a form of collaboration is established, the service institution contributes with a clinical nurse specialist and the university constribut es with a faculty member. Adjunt faculty is another model in which the faculty is a health care professional hired by a service setting in the modality of part-time. This professional can serve in several roles as supervisor, mentor, guest lecturer, and preceptor, and can also render a collaboration in research works (Billings and Halsted, 2009). The role that a student should play in the evaluation process should be that of a student that prepares for the clinical experience, establishes good relationships and exhibits proper communication skills, learns and accepts feedbacks and adapts to the assigned clinical setting and advances in his/her performance. The unsuccessful student in the clinical experience is unprepared for this activity, does not establish communication efficiently, breaks legal and ethical practices, uses practices that are not safe, his/her adaptation to the assigned clinical setting is poor (Lewallen and DeBrew, 2012). The students under a clinical practice can act in the following scenarios: labs, homeless shelters, camps, agencies that render social services often involving interdisciplinary health settings. The clinical teacher-student interaction is a significant part of this practice (Billings & Halsted, 2009). The author of this paper believes that students should embrace this relation, and take a good advantage of this opportunity to learn at large all what is taught by the instructor and assimilate the experience gained while doing the clinical practice, since the student is exposed to several medical situations. Conclusion The three articles reviewed contribute to make a good analysis of the possibilities of evaluating students in clinical settings. The clinical area is significant in training novice nurses because they are in contact with the real world and can interact, not only with patient but with their families and the professional colleagues and other related staff they will be working with during their professional life. The practice in clinical settings enables students also to be more confident in themselves, because after they can apply theory into practice will feel more capable in their profession, and become more autonomous decision makers. The students will have the possi bility to raise their caring abilities, and play more realistic roles based upon their practice.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Therapeutic Relationship Is Important Part Of...
I never knew so many different theories were used in the counseling profession. It was very interesting to be able to learn about each theory and maybe see how I connected more to some theories and not to all. I have realized and learned from this class that it is not sufficient to be merely a good person with good intentions. If you really want to be a good counselor you have to be able to learn a lot, research a lot and practice a lot. It can be challenging at times, but it will be rewarding in the end. It is very important to understand that the therapeutic relationship is an important part of effective counseling. The therapist as a person in a very important part of the effectiveness of the treatment. There is no correct theory to use, it all depends on the client, their problem and the best approach to be able to help them. This is why it is important to have a multicultural perspective and be able to combine more than one theory at the time for the best results. Narcross Beut ler (2011) agreed that the strength of having several theories together is a very good counseling approach, the strength of integrating the theory is based on the ability of the counselor to be taught, replicate and evaluate. Counselors need to be open to the idea that these theories can be connected in some ways and be willing to test them out to see how they are working. Every counselor can identify with one theory, but some might want to use some parts of another theory in order to makeShow MoreRelatedEssay on Traits of an Effective Counselor1065 Words à |à 5 PagesCounselor characteristics are also an important part of the therapeutic dynamic. As the case study demonstrates, the professional counselor began with a good rapport and empathy. I believe the session was effective because the client and the counselor worked together with re-evaluating how the client was going to improve his circumstances. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Does Democracy Ensure Freedom - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1410 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2018/12/28 Category Politics Essay Type Assignment Level High school Tags: Freedom Essay Government Essay Did you like this example? Most of us at one point in life we might have asked our self, does democracy ensure our freedom? According to me, democracy ensures freedom, however, it does not always ensure freedom. Democracy is a type governance where the supreme power established by people for them is controlled by then indirectly with the use of representatives. According to Abraham Lincoln,democracy is the government of the people, by the people and for the people. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Does Democracy Ensure Freedom?" essay for you Create order (Buccola, 9) Thus democratic nation sums up all their supreme powers and vests them the people they elect to represent them. On the other hand, freedom can be defined as the state of being free to do anything that you want. Additionally, in democratic countries, freedom is a political right. This paper will discuss broadly if really democracy ensures freedom? Democracy is made up of two main principles which are equality and freedom. Hence, in democratic nations, their citizens are viewed as all equal before the law, and thus they all have a similar approach to the supreme powers of the country (Miller78, 447). The principle of freedom assures all certain legitimized freedom and liberty in democracy, which is mainly protected by the countrys constitution. Freedom is also classified into two main concepts, which are negative freedom and positive freedom. In Positive freedom is the freedom to do anything apart from the freedom of interfering. While the negative freedom comprises of all options of all freedoms which are open to a person or a group people in general which interferes with the freedom of others(Arendt, 33). In defining democracy, the most essential element is self-rule. The term democracy is made of two Greek words that are demos and Kratos, which mean people rule. This element of democracy is a very the fundamental concept of democracy since it secures the rights and freedom of people being governed. In a democratic of government people are sovereign, and thus they are the highest system of political authority (Hayward, 269). From this, we see that its citizens people must fully accept all the decisions created by the government. For instance, during elections period, all political candidates are given a chance to campaign freely so that can share their ideologies and policies with the voters allowing the voters to scrutinize every candidates ideas. According to Lewis, consent is an essential element in a democratic nation. However, its not a different component. The most significant thing is not whether a large population of the voting population agrees or approves the government and their policies, but its the manner in which the consent is secured. Having the power to vote for someone to represent you in making laws is freedom (Miller78, 447). This is because it likes you are employing somebody to work for you, and he or she fails you replace them with another. The ultimate goal of every government is to govern its people for their betterment. Thus most government today use democracy since it reflects the need for this form of government which allows the voice of its citizens to be heard through the elected representative. Since every voters vote count and the majority votes trumps. The elected legislators later go to legislate laws and regulations which resolves the issue affecting populations. This provides the citizens with a fair access to the legislative process and equality before constitution making sure that the population is protected because they pass the laws and for them to protect their rights and freedoms (Hayward, 270). Hence it is essential for all elected legislators at all levels of government be it national or local level; they should listen to the voice of the people and respond quickly to their needs because the taxpayer employs them. Another importance of democracy in providing freedom is the presence of a variety of political parties which represent different ideologies and policies to the people. In a democracy political parties are very strong and very active, hence playing a major role in the national political arena of the country. These parties also give the citizens a chance to exercise their freedom of speech and association. Additionally, the opposition party also helps to supervise the government, thus keeping the government on toes making them deliver to their citizens. Multiple parties also help in the protection of the human rights by upholding the dignity of all citizens and ensuring that all their voices even the weakest citizen is heard (Hayward, 270). Democracy ensures freedom for the people because for a county to be democratic, all its citizens must have the freedom to decide whether they will take part in the political activities and hand over the power of legislation to a group of people or a person who is more qualified in making laws and solving serious political issues, like an elected legislator. According to scholars, democracy is a type of government which depends on the constitution of a country. In the most nation, this constitution treats all people equally no matter their differences in culture, ethnicity or race. Thus everybody will participate in the process of legislation by electing representatives who will act on their constituents interest and address the issues affecting them. Protecting peoples freedom properly by using legislation means people freedom will be ensured (Blais, 86). However, a democratic type of government favors the majority making the elected representative cater for the issues of the majority so that he can secure votes to maintain his seat and power. This makes the representative forget the minority hence no one will solve the problems facing them, and their voices wont be had. As a result, the minority will lose their freedom since the elected official will no longer hear their voices because he is busy appeasing the majority. Consequently, d emocratic type of government rewards politicians with the excess power which they use for self-benefit forgetting the common citizen. Unfortunately, not all elected officials are always a reflected desire of the whole population. According to Dunn, democracy is not just the rule of the majority. Democracy is not also the right for anyone acts in whatever way they feel like with a callous disregard of other people. Consequently, democracy believes in the value and the opinion of every citizen thus it gives every citizen one vote so that we can all be equal. Even though its the majority ruling, important foundations of democracy believe that everybody is equal and they should be treated equally even the individual who is a minority member. The ultimate goal of every democratic government is to govern its people for their betterment. Thus most government today use democracy since it reflects the need for this form of government which allows the voice of its citizens to be heard through the elected representative. Because of every vote counts and the majority vote trumps. The elected legislators later go to legislate laws and regulations which resolves the issue affecting populations (Blais, 86). This makes the citizens have fair access to the legislative process and equality before constitution making sure that the population is protected because they pass the laws and for them to protect their rights and freedoms. In conclusion, I do believe that democracy type of government ensures freedom for all. This is because the option and the will of the people are what matters in this type of government, since people have full control of their rights and freedoms. Democracy cannot be classified as the best type of governance because it has some disadvantages. However, its the best option as compared to other types of government. This has made most countries in the world to adopt this types even though there is still some nation still using the traditional types of government. Democracy is better than this form of government since it aims at making everybody equal and striking balance in governing people thus allowing people to make their own rules. Democracy has ensured we have freedom through its core values which are freedom, fraternity, equality, accommodation of diversity and ensuring that justice supports all the human rights and freedoms as well. Work cited Arendt, Hannah. That is Freedom?. (2014): 32-49. Blais, Andre, Alexandre Morin-Chasse, and Shane P. Singh. Election outcomes, legislative representation, and satisfaction with democracy. Party Politics 23.2 (2017): 85-95. Buccola, Nicholas. Abraham Lincoln and Liberal Democracy. University Press of Kansas, 2016. Dunn, John. Setting the people free: the story of democracy. London: Atlantic Books, 2005. Hayward, Katy. Defining Democracy: Voting Procedures in Decision-making, Elections and Governance. (2015): 269-271. Miller 78, David. Citizenship and national identity.? Democracy: A Reader? (2016): 447.
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